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I am looking for a bilingual nanny

Four questions about shared babysitting

16/01/2020 - Nos babysitters bilingues


At Mômji, we are regularly in contact with parents who still hesitate to choose babysitting in a foreign language, because it might be expensive for them. This is why we encourage to choose shared babysitting. But many families do not necessarily know what it is and what its benefits are. We explain everything in this article.


 Do not hesitate to visit our dedicated page for shared babysitting program



#1 What is shared babysitting anyway?



It is a childcare solution that involves hiring a single babysitter to care for children from two families instead of one.


 He / she will adapt games and activities according to the number of children, so that everyone can participate and feel integrated. 


Your little ones will therefore benefit from linguistic group immersion, as if they were a small class, in which the babysitter can spend time with each child and provide everyone with a bilingual environment. 


IMPORTANT: note that each nanny will have a maximum of four children to look after. 



#2 What are the advantages of shared babysitting?



The first advantage is financial: note that if you choose shared custody, the price will obviously be divided in two, since the two families pay an equal share.

Choosing shared custody also means having the opportunity to offer your friends/relatives an advantageous solution for everyone and allow your respective children to spend some time together.


In France, each familiy benefits from tax exemption and assistance from the CAF (Caisse d'Allocations Familiales).


#3 What aids can parents benefit from?



The main one is the PAJE allowance (Young Child Reception Benefit), paid by the CAF (Caisse d'Allocations Familiales).


To be eligible, you must meet certain criteria:


• Having a child under the age of 6,

• Using a minimum of 16 hours of services per month,

• Having a minimum wage from your professional activity (€ 748.24 by an employed couple or € 374.12 if the parent is alone)

• Being up to date with old-age insurance contributions for the self-employed,

• Not using another approved company.



Mômji-Bilingual® is a service provider that has been recognized and approved by the state. This gives you a reduction or an income tax credit of 50% of the amounts paid. This assistance is granted to each tax household within the limit of a ceiling of between 12,000 and 15,000 euros per year, depending on your family situation (art. 199 sexdecies of the General Tax Code).



IMPORTANT: A minimum of 15% of the expense remains the responsibility of the family.
And note that the minimum aid paid by CAF (as part of the PAJE allowance) is equal to € 310.39.



In France, you can also get closer to your company to benefit from payment in CESU (Chèque Emploi Service Universel). One of the purposes of these checks is to pay for home delivery services, such as babysitting.

#4 How to find other parents for shared babysitting?



Many families are reluctant to choose this option because they do not know other parents who are looking for babysitting. Note that Mômji does not put families in touch at the moment.


However, other solutions exist:


- Get closer to school, your company, or your children's activity clubs,
- Go to parent forums, on, or even


Talk to your loved ones, your children’s friends’ parents who are also looking for a similar childcare solution. Once the other family is found, contact us. Mômji will do the rest.



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