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Good news for single-parent families

07/10/2022 - Témoignages famille

Good news for single-parent families: the financial aid for childcare will be extended 


Inna nounou Mômji


Until now, the complement of the free choice of the mode of guard (CMG) has been an aid of the CAF for children of less than 6 years, under condition of resources. It therefore typically stops during the first year of primary school. 


However, on September 20, Jean-Christophe Combe, Minister of Solidarity, announced that the CMG would now be accessible to "single-parent families for children aged 6 and 11", i.e., the start of secondary school. The measure was presented in the "social security" section of the new government budget and should be effective in 2023.


24.7 % of families touched by this new measure


Excellent news for the single-parent families who will be able to benefit from this help to have their children looked after by a childcare agency, such as Mômji. 


“This is an extremely strong social measure”, added Jean-Christophe Combe, pointing out that "30% of single-parent families are in poverty”.

Between 2011 and 2020, the number of single-parent families increased by 3% and now constitute 24.7% of families in France*.



Resource limit 


When you go through a childcare organization


1/ The child is under 3 years old: 


  •  Income is less than or equal to 21 320 euros, the amount of your monthly assistance will be 911.23 euros
  •  Income does not exceed 47 377 euros, the amount of your monthly assistance will be 785.51 euros
  •  Income is higher than 47 377 euros the amount of your help will be 659.84 euros per month


2/ The child is between 3 and 6 years old: 

  •  Income is less than or equal to 21 320 euros, the amount of your monthly assistance will be 455.62 euros
  •  Income does not exceed 47 377 euros, the amount of your monthly assistance will be 392.76 euros
  •  Income is higher than 47 377 euros, the amount of your help will be 329.93 euros per month


Keep in mind that these amounts are increased by 30% if you live alone. 


* 2020 annual INSEE census 

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