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I am looking for a bilingual nanny

All files - Family testimonials

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Family testimonials

Good news for single-parent families

- Family testimonials

Good news for single-parent families: the financial aid for childcare will be extended

Family testimonials

Meeting the nanny

- Family testimonials

At Mômji we have been recruiting nannies since 2009 so we wanted to share with you some of the questions you might ask when you first meet us.

Family testimonials

The New Mômji Pedagogy

- Family testimonials

Mômji launches its new pedagogy for the 2022/2023 school year !

Family testimonials

Positive Parenting

- Family testimonials

Always wanted to know more about positive parenting, an alternative to the traditional education model? Here are some answers!

Family testimonials

5 tips when parents are working from home

- Family testimonials

It is very difficult for young children to understand that their parents, who are working from home, are not available for them. Here are a few tips…

Family testimonials

Child care service in English: testimony from a family

- Family testimonials

Discover the testimony of one of our families!

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Benefits of free-play for children

Do you know the benefits of "free play…

A special card for our loved ones

In a few days, it's Valentine's Day.…

Travelling while protecting the planet

For children, traveling is a great way to learn…